Beautiful Rainbow World – a photo book by Suzee Ramirez & Lynne Raspet
In all the hustle and bustle the holiday season and year end brings, this delightful and playful picture book and song bring it all home. Beautiful Rainbow World – reminding us to appreciate one another, well beyond the holiday ho ho ho’s but to truly take a moment to take in all the beauty in diversity.
With each page, each photo there is a warm familiar feeling of belonging. The colorful and artistic pictures draw us in with those wonderful, everyday children from around the world, doing wonderful everyday sorta things all children enjoy doing. This brings us all a little closer to one another.
What a delightful discussion piece around teaching differences, tolerance and acceptance. Education is so much more than reading and writing. A solid appreciation for world cultures and a healthy perspective on diversity is equally important, if not more so. Beautiful Rainbow World offers a fantastic lesson on diversity and inclusion. It showcases the globe in a unique way, one that children of all ages can relate to and enjoy. I highly recommend Beautiful Rainbow World as a unique resource for discussion around cultural awareness and inclusion. Children everywhere play, laugh, ponder and dream. Opening our hearts and homes to embrace such awareness will only open their eyes to possibility and a Beautiful Rainbow World.
You may enjoy reading our review for a children’s CD: “Someone Else’s Shoes” by Recess Music, also an excellent resource for celebrating diversity.