Bermuda Pirates

Review By Barbara Spalding
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Game At A Glance
Age: 7+
Players: 2-4
Play Time: 20 mins
Complexity: 4 of 10
Objective Per Game Manufucture:
An adventurous band of pirates has set its sights on an island in The Bermuda Triangle known for the treasures it conceals. On their way, they must overcome mysterious whirlpools that will drag their boat to the bottom of the sea. Will you be able to navigate your boat to the island in in the midst of this mystic sea, amass the treasures and make your way back safely? Will you outsmart competing bands of pirates trying to get their hands on the treasures before you?
Disclosure Statement: Most of our game reviews are sponsored posts, whereby we are offered complimentary review game copies in exchange for our honest opinion. All opinions snd expressed ideas, views and content is strictly our own. #Ad #Sponsored

Family Scholastic Adventures Rating
Educational Value (Per Target Age): ✭✭✭✭✭
Fun/Sustaining Interest: ✭✭✭✭✭
Ease of Learning the Game: ✭✭✭✭✭
Easy Set Up/Clean Up: ✭✭✭✭✭
Game Design: ✭✭✭✭✭
Replayability: ✭✭✭✭✭
Artistic Design: ✭✭✭✭✭

Educational Elements:
✭ Facts & Trivia
✭ Critical Thinking
✭ Mathmatical Concepts
✭ Science/Physics Concepts
✭ Reading/Comprehension/Spelling
✭ Historical Theme or Concept
✭ Art/Culture
Game Categories:
Ο Cooperative
√ Competitive
Ο Single Player
Ο Two Player Only
Ο Campaign/Legacy
Ο Single Use (Disposable)
Ο Push Your Luck
Ο Expansion/Expandable
Ο Deck Building
Ο Area Control
Ο Puzzle/Decoding
Ο Character Building/Roll Playing
Ο Tiles
Ο Cards
Ο Dice
√ Strategic/Critical Thinking
√ Roll & Move/Adventure
Ο Electronic/Tech Interactive
The magnetic board component, which also allows for numerous configurations of the game, is truly a special feature of this FoxMind game.
We love the pirate theme, and feel that Beruda Pirates is a great add-on activity. And 20 to 30 mins playing time makes it an easy family game night favorite.