My four year old loves the character Olivia… you know the adorable pink pig always dressed in red and black doing most adorable things. Well in the story titled Olivia this little pig takes a family trip to the art museum whereby the author/illustrator, Ian Falconer depicted two famous pieces of work – “Ballet Rehearsal” by Edgar Degas and “Autumn Rhythm #30” by Jackson Pollock. So right there in the middle of a children’s story is the perfect opportunity to lightly discuss two very famous artists.
Now take this one step further with tools like Classical Baby: The Art Show, which also highlights a famous Jackson Pollock piece: “Number 1A”. Sure this DVD is designed with babies in mind but seriously it is perfect for a backdrop while doing a simple craft or coloring. The art comes to life with classical music… and has been a favorite ever since we popped it in. Relaxing, inspiring and just amazing. Now that we’re on a roll… let’s look at another favorite: Picasso That’s Who
by Hope Harris. We love this CD that highlights many famous artist and holds an underlying message that anyone can be an artist. Be sure to check out the first track A-C-T-I-O-N which is all about Jackson Pollock, but the entire album is upbeat and inspirational. You can check out our previous review here.
Check out your local library or Amazon for the following cool titles: Jackson Pollock (Life and Work Of…), Jackson Pollock (Getting to Know the World’s Greatest Artists)
, and Action Jackson
, not to mention this awesome book of activities called Dad’s Book of Awesome Projects
, which offers a DIY Jackson Pollock activity. So many options, so much fun… and learning all the while.
As a former Art History major, I love this!
I love the idea of finding a story that includes references to real artwork. Do you know of any that include Rodin works (still haven’t been to that museum) or works in the Philly Art Museum?
Not off hand… but I will be looking into more. I just stumbled onto this with Olivia, and went with it. The Philadelphia Art Museum has an amazing Art Splash program for the summer with exhibits, crafts and tools for families to use for full engagement. This is a must-do for us.
You might check also to see whether your local art museum has children’s programs. Ours has family days on some Saturdays where the kids even do projects!
The Philadelphia Art Museum has an amazing Art Splash program with activities designed with the young ones in mind. It is awesome and we will definitely take advantage of this summer program.